Terms and Conditions

TERMS AND PROVISIONS Notions, used in Contract: Buyer: any (full-aged) natural or legal entity, accepted an offer on terms of this offer.  Seller: “ASBC” LLC Goods:  any goods, sold/offered on https://ispace.am  to any natural or legal entity, accepted an offer.  Deliverer: person, authorized by “ASBC” LLC, performing delivery of the goods to Buyer on place, pointed by the latter one.  Order: request for delivery to the Buyer at purchase of any goods by any natural or legal entity, demonstrated on https://ispace.am  for sales.  Delivery: action of transfer to Buyer from Seller and/or Seller’s authorized representative at purchase of any goods by any natural or legal entity, demonstrated on https://ispace.am  for sales.

1. General Provisions

1.1 “ASBC” LLC greets you onhttps://ispace.am and offers to get acquainted with the terms and rules below before giving consent for the purchase of any preferred goods.

1.2 “ASBC” LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Seller) presents the sold assortment on given site that is considered as a public offer, directed to natural or legal entities, having the right to conclude sales and purchase contract with the Seller on terms, established in this offer. Contract concluded on the base of offer acceptance by the Buyer is considered as adhesion contract to which the Buyer joins with no exceptions and/or objections.

1.3 Ordering for goods purchase independently by the Buyer or via Seller is an incontrovertible fact of acceptance of this Contract provisions. Buyer, confirmed an order for goods purchase is considered as the person entered into relations with the Seller, pursuant to provisions of this Contract.

1.4 Seller is entitled to cancel Buyer’s order fully or partially at lack of goods, ordered at Seller, having notified the Buyer to latter’s e-mail (pointed in the order confirmation) via sending e-mail or other electronic means (via other means of telecommunication), if such opportunity is available.


2. Subject of Contract

2.1 On the base of registered valid/effective order the Seller transfers and the Buyer after order confirmation pays and receives the ordered goods, pursuant to this Contract.

2.2 The price of goods is established by the Seller in unilateral procedure (having published on https://ispace.am  in prior) and is fixed in AMD by which value/price per unit is expressed.

2.3 The Seller is entitled any time to change the price of offered goods with no notification.

2.4 The price of goods (100%) is paid by the Buyer as full and single payment. The Buyer may pay for the goods at his discretion both in cash and cashless form via remittance to the Seller’s bank account. The Buyer must inform the Seller about the choice of payment method with prior notification.

2.4.1 Cash payment option:  At the choice of cash payment option by the Buyer the cash payment is performed at the moment of goods transfer to Buyer via deliverer. The fact of payment for the goods is confirmed by the deliverer by the receipt, issued to the Buyer.

2.4.2 Cashless payment option: In the cashless payment option the Buyer must point the purpose of transfer and goods for which the payment was made.


3. Terms of Delivery and Procedure of Goods Transfer-Acceptance

3.1 The goods are delivered to the Buyer in terms, preliminarily established by the parties. The Buyer bears responsibility for the trustworthiness of the exact address of the place of goods delivery.

3.2 Date of delivery is the date, registered in the transfer-acceptance act. Seller’s obligations to Buyer are considered as fully performed at the moment of goods transfer to Buyer. Delivery is performed in Yerevan by deliverers on business days from 10:00 a.m. to 19:00 p.m. If the Buyer is out of the borders of Yerevan, other terms of delivery are established by mutual consent of the Seller and Buyer.  However, delivery terms (including exact date and place of delivery) are defined by mutual consent of the Seller and Buyer till the goods delivery.

3.3 The Seller performs the goods delivery only in the territory of the Republic of Armenia. The Seller doesn’t perform the goods delivery to places of detention, military units, hotels, catering facilities, cafés, airports, metro stations, and other identical public places as well as any other places, not considered as the Customer’s place of domicile or location.

3.4 As regards the terms, established for delivery, in particular for non-delivery of the goods in established terms the Seller doesn’t bear responsibility arisen by Buyer’s fault, i.e. incorrect delivery address, non-location, non-residence at the pointed address as well as due to circumstances, not depending on Seller’s will, e.g. impossibility, occurred due to natural calamities, accidents or other irresistible power.

3.5 The Buyer’s property right regarding the ordered goods occurs at the moment of factual payment of established price/value of the goods and signing of transfer/acceptance act. Risk of destruction or damage of the goods is transferred to Buyer beginning from the moment of goods transfer by the Seller to Buyer.  

3.6 Promotions and discounts on products are valid only during the announced period. After the expiration of the promotion or discount period, unfinished orders (unpaid) will be canceled.

3.7 The company reserves the right to refuse order execution to the customer at any time before payment for the product is made. In the event of a prepayment and the company's inability to fulfill its obligations, the company is obligated to refund the paid amount to the buyer.

3.8 At the moment of goods receipt the Buyer undertakes to open the packed goods and check the integrity, and completeness of the goods in presence of the Deliverer to ensure that the goods correspond with the ordered assortment. After the performance of pointed actions at signing transfer-acceptance act the Buyer unequivocally agrees and accepts that the delivered goods are considered as ordered, correspond with assortment and quantity, considered as integral, undamaged, completely new (i.e. unused), fully correspond to the description, stated on https://ispace.am  and goals for which the Buyer purchased it.

3.9 At the acceptance of goods the Buyer undertakes to submit identification document to the Deliverer for Buyer’s identification. If the Buyer refuses to submit identification document, the Deliverer is entitled not to transfer the delivered goods to Buyer.


4.1 Rights and Liabilities of the Parties  The Seller undertakes:

4.1.1 To perform liabilities taken to Buyer at the moment of this Contract conclusion, pursuant to this Contract and the effective legislation of RA.

4.1.2 To inform the Buyer about full or partial change of delivery terms of the order as soon as possible at the change of delivery terms of ordered goods in order to receive the latter’s consent regarding the changed terms.  The Seller contacts the Buyer by phone or e-mail. The Seller is entitled:

4.2.1 Any time unilaterally to change provisions of this Contract, including the price of goods, types and terms of payment, goods delivery. All changes take effect at the moment of availability at the site, and the fact of changes publication is evidence that the Buyer is informed about made changes.

4.2.2 Not to accept complaints, connected with goods quality, if the marketable condition, storage conditions and consumption peculiarities weren’t kept and/or in cases, if defects of the goods occurred as a result of negligence or violation of goods exploitation terms, established by the manufacturer or if such defects arisen due to any external impact on goods.

4.2.3 Not to deliver the ordered goods or to demand from the Buyer to return the delivered/supplied goods, if established value wasn’t paid or was paid incompletely (duly).   The Buyer undertakes:

4.3.1 To get acquainted with the contents of this Contract in detail till this Contract conclusion and with established terms, fixed price for the goods, sold on https://ispace.am. 

4.3.2 The Buyer undertakes to submit necessary identification documents (and/or documents) to Seller with the purpose of performing liabilities taken by Seller to Buyer as well as the exact and correct address for delivery (supply) of the ordered goods. 

4.3.3 To pay for the ordered goods the price, pointed on https://ispace.am, pursuant to this Contract provisions.    

4.3.4 To sign transfer-acceptance act at the moment of ordered goods’ receipt.


5. Return of Goods and Paid Amount

5.1 At arising of disputes regarding the return of the goods or paid amount the parties are guided by this Contract, Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia, Consumer Protection Law of RA, Resolution of Government of RA No.140 of February 18, 2002, other normative legal acts, settling legal relations between the Buyer and the Seller.

5.2 In any case the Seller may refuse the return, exchange, payment of the amount, or acceptance of returned goods if the marketable condition and consumption peculiarities weren’t kept if the goods were presented in damaged condition as a result of external impact. At the same time the goods should be new, must have a protective film, no traces of usage should be available (on appearance, by internal contents and peculiarities), (including photos in a memory stick, any electronic messages, notes, phone numbers, any information or files, appeared on goods as a result of exploitation/usage). Moreover, tare of the goods and package shouldn’t be damaged. Provisions, established by this clause regard to elements, containing inset of goods (and/or commodities).

5.3 The Buyer presents his claims to Seller in writing, to which a written reply is sent on business days in the shortest period possible. Moreover, claims of the Buyer should be discussed, if the Buyer submits a document (payment receipt), confirming the fact of goods purchased at the Seller.


6. Procedure of Disputes Solution

6.1 At arising of disputes between the parties, the dispute should be settled via negotiations. If the dispute isn’t settled via negotiations, the parties may turn to the court for dispute settlement. The dispute settlement is handed over operating courts of the Republic of Armenia.


7. Force-Majeure/ Influence of Irresistible Power

7.1 The parties are released from responsibility for full or partial failure by this Contact if it was a result of the influence of irresistible power, arising after this Contract conclusion that the parties couldn’t foresee or prevent. Such situations are earthquake, flood, war, declaration of military or emergency state, termination of operation of means of communication, acts of state authorities, etc., that make the execution of obligations by this Contract impossible. If the influence of irresistible power continues for more than 3 (three) months, each party is entitled to terminate the Contract, having informed the other party with prior notification.


8. Confidentiality and protection of personal data

8.1 At order registration on https://ispace.am  the Buyer presents the following data: name, surname, father’s name, phone number, e-mail, registration address, factual residence address (if registration address differs from residence address), where the ordered goods should be delivered.

8.2 The Seller uses information, received from the Buyer for the execution of obligations regarding the Buyer.

8.3 The Seller undertakes not to disclose data, received from the Buyer, except for cases, established by this Contract and the Law. The Seller may transfer data to agents and the third persons, operating on the base of the Contract, concluded with the Seller with a purpose of execution of obligations, taken regarding the Buyer, for which the Buyer gives his unconditional consent.

8.4 Having accepted an offer, the Buyer gives permission and consent to ““ASBC” LLC for processing of personal data, including the name, surname, father’s name, all presented addresses, phone numbers, e-mails, for collection, coordination, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), usage, destruction of personal data as well as transfer to subagents for their further processing, including collection, coordination, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), usage, destruction of personal data, performance of studies, directed to improvement of service quality, performance of marketing programs, statistic inquiries as well as establishment of direct contacts with the Buyer via different means for promotion of services at the market, including postal links, e-mail, phone numbers, fax, Internet, without limitation, the Buyer gives consent and permission to “ASBC” LLC and subagents for processing of his personal data via automate database as well as other computer tools, developed by “ASBC” LLC on the base of the latter’s instruction.  

When you come to pick up the order from the store, it is necessary to show:

  • Your Passport
  • Order Number

If the person who made the order and the cardholder are different persons, it is necessary to show:

  • A picture of the card, showing the cardholder's Full Name and the first and last four digits of the card
  • Passport of the person who paid
  • Passport of the person who will receive the product
  • Cardholder's passport or copy of the passport