
Frequently Asked Questions About Installment Payment Terms:

• Can I purchase the product through installment payment?

Yes, both in-store and online.

• At what age can the installment payment be used?

In case of a registered income, you can apply for a loan from the age of 18 for women and from the age of 20 for men.

• Can a foreign citizen undertake an installment payment?

Foreign citizens can also apply for credit.

• Starting from which amount can I undertake the installment payment?

The minimum limit is 30.000 AMD.

• Is it necessary to deposit money in advance?

This process depends on the mutual consent of the customer and the bank.

• For how long can I undertake the installment payment?

Installment payment can be undertaken for a maximum of 60 months.

• What documents are needed to make an installment payment application?

Passport or ID card

Public service number

• What is the percentage of the installment?

This process depends on the mutual consent of the customer and the bank.

• Which bank installment payment can I use?

Installment can only be taken from local Armenian banks with which iSpace cooperates.

Important: if the client cancels the purchases, he/she is obliged to pay for the delivery.